HowTo #009

How to show documents added to the in all relevant places?

Use Case:

The add-on makes document capture and management easy. However, to make sure you can use it in the best way possible, some setup needs to be done. For example, if you want to show documents not only in the place that you added them, but also in other relevant places.

If you do not set this up, documents that you added to a Sales Quote will not be shown in the following Sales Order and on the Customer card.

Let’s see how you can make documents available in all the relevant places in Business Central!

HowTo: Set up the Default View for all Tables in Business Central with


Start at the Table Setup.


A list opens with all relevant Table numbers. Here you can setup several things, including where the documents you add to a Table are shown. For this, you use the Default View column.


In the Default View column, you see the several options:

  • Dataset: This is the default option. When choosing this, documents added to anything that includes this Table, will only be shown for that particular thing. For example, if you set this for the Sales Header table, documents added to a Sales Quote, will not be shown in the following Sales Order.
  • Transaction: When choosing this, documents added to anything that includes this Table, will be shown for anything that is part of the transaction. For example, if you set this for the Sales Header table, documents added to a Sales Quote, will also be shown in the following Sales Order.
  • Extended Transaction: When choosing this, documents added to anything that includes this Table, will be shown for anything that is part of the extended transaction. For example, if you set this for the Sales Header table, documents added to a Sales Quote, will also be shown in a connected Purchase Order.
  • Account: When choosing this, documents added to anything that includes this Table, will be shown in the corresponding account. For example, if you set this for the Customer table, documents added to a Sales Quote for this Customer, will also be shown on the Customer card.

While you can set this up according to your own preferences, we advise to use the following setup:

Table Default View
G/L Entry Account
Customer Account
Cust. Ledger Entry Account
Vendor Account
Vendor Ledger Entry Account
Item Account
Sales Header Transaction
Purchase Header Transaction
G/L Register Transaction
Gen. Journal Line Dataset
Sales Shipment Header Transaction
Sales Invoice Header Transaction
Sales Cr.Memo Header Transaction
Purch. Rcpt. Header Transaction
Purch. Inv. Header Transaction
Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr. Transaction
Incoming Document Dataset
Project Dataset
Reminder Header Transaction
Issued Reminder Header Transaction
Finance Charge Memo Header Transaction
Issued Fin. Charge Memo Header Transaction
Contact Dataset
Segment Header Dataset
Sales Header Archive Transaction
Purchase Header Archive Transaction
Employee Dataset
Production Order Transaction
Fixed Asset Dataset
FA Ledger Entry Dataset
FA Journal Line Dataset
Item Category Dataset
Transfer Header Dataset
Transfer Shipment Header Dataset
Transfer Receipt Header Dataset
Item Document Header Dataset
Item Receipt Header Dataset
Invt. Shipment Header Dataset
Return Shipment Header Dataset
Return Receipt Header Dataset
Warehouse Receipt Header Dataset
Posted Whse. Receipt Header Dataset
Warehouse Shipment Header Dataset
Posted Whse. Shipment Header Dataset
Route Allocation Header Dataset
Quality Header Dataset
Registered Quality Header Dataset
Production Tool Dataset
Drying Chamber Batch Dataset

Setting up the Default View of the different tables, can take some time. Luckily, you only have to set it up once & you can enjoy the benefits of finding your documents in all the relevant places always after that!

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